4/27/2023  Larry Burdgick

For two days, June 10-11, 2023, the beautiful Causeway Cove Marina will be transformed into the ‘Causeway Cove Nautical Flea Market and Boat Sale.’ For boat owners, fisherman, divers and anyone with an interest in all things nautical, the Causeway Cove Nautical Flea Market is a bargain hunter’s dream-come true.

Private individuals and marine related businesses sell used marine equipment, marine antiques, new and used boats, fishing tackle, diving gear, marine artwork and other boating related items at unbelievably low prices.

Visit the 2023 Causeway Nautical Flea Market and Boats Sale 2023 Ft Pierce website for more information, vendor information, special hotel rates and specific driving directions. Phone (954) 205-7813 https://causewaynauticalfleamarket.com/